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Little Horn Power
Uproots 3 horns on the terrible beast with 10 horns
Seven Ways To Identify The Little Horn
Daniel 7:8
The little horn develops among ten nations of Europe into which Rome divided.
Daniel 7: 8,20,24
It would arise after the breakup of the Roman Empire-that is, after the fifth century
A.D. Further, it would arise after three of the ten horns had been uprooted. Three
of the barbarian kingdoms that arose out of Rome espoused the views of Arius, who denied
the divinity of Christ. All the other barbarian kingdoms came to accept the Catholic
From 476 A.D. on, the three Arian powers dominated portions of the territory of Rome,
but each in turn met defeat as the rulers of the Eastern Roman Empire rallied to
support the Roman Church in the West. In 533 AD Justinian, the emperor
of the Eastern Empire, legally recognized the bishop (POPE) of Rome as the head
of all the Christian churches, but because of the Arian domination of Rome,
the pope had no opportunity to actually exercise his civilly recognized power.
Finally, in 538AD Belisarius, one Justinian's generals, routed the Ostrogoths,
the last of the Arian powers from the city of Rome. Thus, by the military
intervention of the Eastern Empire, the pope was freed from the dominating influence
of states that restrained his activities in the civil sphere. The date AD 538 plays
an important part in identifying who this power is as we shall see under number 7.
Daniel 7:7,8,24
Compared with other horns the little horn was diverse, or different, it was
"STOUT" or great. It exercised more than political power. Its attention to
religious issues characterizes this power as a combined religious and political system.
Daniel 7:8, 20, 23
The little horn would "speak great words against God." (compare Daniel 8:23,
Daniel 11:36, 2 Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 13:5.
Daniel 7:25
It would view God's Law as needing changes, and would
attempt to make changes in that law by its own authority. Papal
Rome did, in fact support Sunday as a holy day instead of the seventh-day
Sabbath ordained by God in His law.
Daniel 7:21,25.
This system would persecute "the saints of the Most High". Those whom papal
Rome considered heretical faced civil punishment. History attests that millions were put
to death under this religiopolitical system. Church historian David Schaff summed
up papal Rome's' persecuting activities in these words. "Down to the very close
of the Middle Ages, the pages of history were disfigured by decrees of popes and synods,
confirming death as the penalty for heresy, and for persons supposed to be possessed with
witchcraft. The great council of Constance, 1415, did not get away from the
atmosphere and ordered heretics punished even by the flames. And the hall of Leo X
1520 condemning Luther cursed as heresy the Reformer's literal statement that the burning
of heretics is contrary to the will of the Spirit." History of the Christian church.
Vol V part 1. p. 524.
Daniel 7:25
The little horn would rule a times, time, and dividing of time. The prophecies of
Revelation provide the key to this symbolic period. There the same period of a"
time, and times, and half a time" (Revelation 12:14) is equated with the 1260
days (verse 6). From this we see a time equals 360 days. In symbolic prophecy each
day stands for a year according to Ezekiel 4: 5,6. For 1260 years, then the little
horn would exercise its sovereignty over God's people and His law through civil
channels. This period began in 538, as we have seen. Exactly 1260 years later
in 1798, the French general Berthier entered Rome, declared a republic, and after
taking the pope prisoner, proclaimed the political rule of the Papacy to be at an
end. The book of Revelation later amplified on this loss of power by calling
it a "deadly wound". But according to Revelation this wound was
to be healed, and all the world would yet be awed by Rome as it manifested a comeback,
a resurgence of power (Revelation 13:3 ). Thus the 1260 years denoted only
the period of supremacy in Rome's long history during which God allowed this
system to demonstrate its principles, policies, and objectives.
It should be emphasized that the little horn represents a system, a church-state
combination, a religious power that would grasp civil power to enforce certain beliefs
and practices. Because the Papacy did use such civil power as the prophecy
predicted does not by any means bring individual Roman Catholics under condemnation.
Multitudes of Roman Catholics have followed Christ as best they knew, and many have
exhibited a true devotion to the cross. But the papal system during its years of
supremacy did singularly fulfill the prophecy of Daniel 7.