Map of Successor Kingdoms of Alexander the Great's Empire

This may shows the Greek kingdoms resulting from the breakup of the empire of Alexander the Great.  His senior military officers battled each other for the kingdom and 4 of them won kingdoms that are worth historical mention.  All of these senior military officers of Alexander the Great who battled over the empire are today known as the Diodachi.

This map comes from the University of Texas at Austin Library Online - Perry-Castañeda Map Collection and is a copy of a map from the 1926 edition of the Historical Atlas by William Shepherd.  Access to this map can be obtained through this web address: .  They have many interesting maps there, so I would urge you to take some time on their web site and browse around. 

So this map is, as they have requested that you be notified of, "Courtesy of The General Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin."   Given the copyright date of that 1926 book by Shepherd, these maps are in the public domain.

Because of the rather large size of the original file and the fact that the key is rather hard to read after compression so you can at least see the map with reasonable minimal download time, the key has been extracted from the image, blown up, and placed above the map so you can more easily read the description placed in the key.  This will help you see the color key on it as well so you can tell who had a given colored area on the map below.

Note that the date of the death of Alexander the Great almost appears to be 328 BC in this copy.  It would appear to be an artifact of the copying process, but one cannot be certain of that.  What is known is that today the date of Alexander's death is placed in the year 323 BC.  So, there may have been an adjustment of that date since then.

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